A headshot image of Pekka Nurmilaukas

Pekka Nurmilaukas

Nuclear Safety Consultant

Areas of Expertise

Safety Evaluation + Consulting
Nuclear 权力 Technology
Industrial Information Systems

Helsinki - 芬兰

Pekka is an experienced specialist in nuclear power technology and project management. He has extensive experience in the nuclear field, consisting mainly of safety analyses, process calculations and safety estimations. His areas of expertise also include industrial information systems, project management and delivery projects, deterministic safety analyses, nuclear technology and defense-in-depth, VVER technology, safety assessment and power plant simulation.

Education / Certifications
  • M.Sc. (Tech) 权力 Plant Engineering, Technical University of Lappeenranta
  • Management Training and Professional Examination, Helsinki School of Economics,
  • Languages: Finnish (Native), English (Proficient), Swedish (Proficient), German, Basic