A young black disabled woman with a wheelchair and a bright sweater and her 亚洲n friend walking.

皇家88账户注册, we believe that accessibility and 通用设计 should form the foundation of every project. 皇家88娱乐的辅助功能顾问已经提炼了一个实用的, solutions-oriented approach to achieving accessible and inclusive outcomes across a wide spectrum of projects —residential, 商业, 教育, 医疗保健, 体育, 基础设施, 和活动都将. Simply put, we facilitate seamless accessibility and inclusion 对每个人来说.


自2001年以来, 皇家88娱乐的团队, 前身为Morris Goding Access Consulting (MGAC), has refined our client relationships and expertise in accessibility and 通用设计. We collaborate with 澳大利亚's leading industry players on landmark projects that foster business growth and community development, 留下积极改变的遗产. We offer a comprehensive suite of accessibility and 通用设计 services including Access to Premises Standards, AS1428系列, 以及《皇家88账户注册》(DDA).

Hands touching Braille number two on a large display with other letter and numbers in Braille



Low section of a blind father and a daughter at a subway station


With a proven track record of delivering high-profile accessibility projects across the 太平洋 region, 包括布里斯班等澳大利亚主要城市, 墨尔本和悉尼, 皇家88娱乐公司利用其丰富的经验, 深厚的知识库, and connections with leading disability organizations to develop innovative accessibility solutions. Our service delivery seamlessly integrates with core 设计 disciplines like building code compliance, safety-focused设计, 环境可持续发展.

集成扩展了皇家88账户注册在可访问性方面的专业知识, 通用设计, and engineering solutions across 澳大利亚 and the 太平洋 region.
Our team reviewed previous 设计 proposals and conducted site audits to assess adherence to accessibility requirements for 奇迹体育场, 墨尔本最具标志性的地标之一.
与Grimshaw建筑事务所合作, our experts provided a masterplan 设计 report outlining specific Universal Design principles and best practices, 可以应用于十二使徒的总体规划吗.
Male employee in wheelchair having cheerful discussion with colleague in an office workstation
探索新NCC和AS1428的关键变化.1、包括更新通道、坡道和扶手. Stay compliant with our insights and expert guidance from 皇家88账户注册. 了解更多细节.


As a leading 澳大利亚n accessibility consulting firm since 2001, we provide 建议 and guidance on workplace and event accessibility. Our team includes members on the 澳大利亚 Standards and Association of Access Consultants of 澳大利亚 (ACAA) management committees. 皇家88娱乐是由 尼克•莫里斯, a Paralympic athlete with a degree in Human Movement with ACAA accreditation as an accessibility consultant and 大卫的神是澳大利亚最杰出的接入咨询公司之一. David is an experienced Civil Engineer and a full member of the ACAA.

a group of people walking on a boardwalk in Sydney circular Quay
Identifying general accessibility requirements at the conceptual stage and implementing them throughout the entirety of a project can improve the cost, 交货的速度和质量.
Our accessibility and 通用设计 experts redeveloped the public space during the 50% schematic 设计 phase, prioritising the accessibility and inclusion needs of all people.
The Qiddiya City Gaming and E体育 Precinct presents an excellent opportunity not only to apply the technical accessibility requirements of SBC 201 Chapter 11, 同时也体现了通用设计的原则.




Accessibility icon with wheelchair and technology abstract background


了解DDA和BCA之间的区别. The DDA is a federal requirement for accessibility; the BCA sets minimum building standards. Both are essential for creating inclusive, accessible 设计s in architecture and construction.


皇家88娱乐的访问顾问采取实际的, solutions-oriented approach to achieving accessible and inclusive outcomes across a wide range of projects, 从住宅、商业到遗产, 运输, 教育, 体育, 基础设施, 医疗保健活动等.